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  • Baltimore County


    Structural Type
    Zone or Use
    1. CHANGEABLE COPY , meaning an on-premises sign displaying a message which may be changed periodically, manually, by electric or electronic controls, or by any other means. Changeable copy signs include: (a) Wall-mounted; freestanding Accessory to institutional structure or community building Use 25 square feet One 6 feet Yes
    (b) Wall-mounted; freestanding; canopy Accessory to a theater, stadium or similar public entertainment use Use 150 square feet One; two if on canopy 25 feet Yes
    (c) Wall-mounted; freestanding; canopy; enterprise window sign Accessory to a planned shopping center or to any separate commercial establishment in a Business Zone Use See Section 450.7.B One 25 feet Yes See Section 450.6.A.8
    Animated message board—A sign that uses any change in physical position by any movement or rotation or which gives the visual impression of such movement or rotation. This includes the foreground and background of the sign. This does not include electronically generated images. A tri-vision message board is considered an animated message board.
    CHANGEABLE COPY, (continued)
    Electronic changeable copy (ECC), also known as "electronic message boards"—A sign with a fixed or changing display, or a message composed of a series of lights, light-emitting or light-reflecting elements that may be changed through electronic means. This includes a video display sign.
    See Section 450.7.B
    (1) An electronic changeable copy sign may only have a maximum frequency of one instantaneous message change per 15-second cycle and may not display video, flashing, blinking, animation, strobing or scrolling.
    Only commercial messages ancillary to the commercial activity on site are allowed.
    (d) Reserved
    (2) Paragraph (1) does not apply to: (A) (Reserved)
    (B) A sign located within a state-designated transit-oriented development in the C.T. District of Owings Mills; however, a sign under Paragraph (B) may not display video, flashing, blinking, animation, strobing or scrolling.
    (e) Wall-mounted Sign installed within a state-designated transit-oriented development in the C.T. District of Owings Mills Use 1,000 square feet 2 Not
    Yes See Section 450.7.B.2; structured parking must be provided; signage may be installed on or attached to any building wall or attached or detached structured parking facilities; for a total of 12 minutes of each hour the sign is in operation, messages must be devoted to public service announcements.
    CHANGEABLE COPY, (continued)
    Manual changeable copy—A sign designed so that characters, letters, or illustrations on the sign can be changed or rearranged without altering the background of the sign. These signs require the physical changing or rearranging of characters, letters, or illustrations.
    Enterprise window sign — Any enterprise sign mounted on the interior of an enclosed structure that is visible from the exterior. Interior wall-mounted; interior window-mounted B.L., B.M., B.R., C.B., B.L.R., M.L., M.L.R., M.H., M.R., excluding multi-tenant office, retail or industrial building Use 3 square feet 3 when mounted on the interior of any front facade window or door Yes See Sections 450.6.A.4 and 450.7.B
    Interior application only, Not permitted to be mounted on any window or door that is not a front facade
    2. COMMUNITY , meaning a sign displaying the identity of a subdivision or residential community Wall-mounted; Freestanding All zones Use 25 square feet Not
    6 feet Yes Maximum two signs per highway intersection
    3. DIRECTIONAL , meaning a sign intended principally for traffic control or to provide directions to an entity, activity or area elsewhere on the same premises , (a) Wall-mounted; freestanding Accessory, in all zones Use 8 square feet Not
    6 feet in nonresidential zones; 4 feet in residential zones Yes See Section 450.6. A. 1 and A.2. May include company name or logo if not more than 30 percent of the total sign area
    (b) Freestanding Accessory to multifamily buildings for leasing purposes only Use 8 square feet Maximum 4 freestanding monument signs for each apartment community 6 feet No See Section 450.6. A. 1 and A.2. May include pertinent information regarding availability of multifamily buildings for rental, if the apartment community contains a minimum of 550 apartment units under common control or ownership within a one-mile radius of the sign location/s; must be high-quality building material and integrated with landscaping approved by County Landscape Architect
    4. DIRECTORY , meaning an accessory sign displaying the identity and location of the nonresidential occupants of a building or development Wall-mounted; freestanding All zones; See Section 450.7.A Use Not
    regulated, except 25 square feet in S-E Zone
    6 feet Yes See Section 450.7.A
    5. ENTERPRISE , meaning an accessory sign which displays the identity and which may otherwise advertise the products or services associated with the individual organization (a) Wall-mounted; projecting canopy B.L., B.M., B.R., C.B., B.L.R., M.L., M.L.R., M.H., M.R., excluding multi-tenant office, retail or industrial building Use Twice the length of the wall to which the signs are affixed One in C.B. and M.R., otherwise three, no more than two on each facade Not
    Yes, when the use to which sign is accessory is open, but not in C.B. or M.R. No single sign larger than 50 square feet in C.B. and M.R.; 150 square feet otherwise. Canopy signs may extend 3 feet above the face of the canopy. A canopy sign may extend more than 3 feet with a finding by the Director of Planning that all components of the sign are compatible with the architectural elements of the building.
    (b) Freestanding B.L.R, B.M., B.L., B.R., M.L.R., M.R., M.L., M.H., excluding munti-tenant office, retail or industrial building Use 75 square feet; 100 square feet if premises has more than 300 feet of frontage One per frontage 25 feet Yes See 450.4.5(g)
    (c) Awning B.L., B.M., B.R., C.B., B.L.R. Use See Section 450.5.B.1 See Section 450.5.B.1 Not
    (d) Wall-mounted; canopy On multi-tenant office, retail or industrial building, accessory to separate commercial entity with exterior customer entrance Use Two times the length of the wall containing the exterior entrance and defining the space occupied by the separate commercial entity Entity with separate exterior customer entrance may erect one canopy and one wall-mounted sign Not
    Yes, but in C.B. only when use to which sign is accessory is open In C.B., area shall not exceed 100 square feet. Canopy signs may extend 2½ feet above the face of the canopy. A canopy sign may extend more than 2½ feet with a finding by the Director of Planning that all components of the sign are compatible with the architectural elements of the building.
    ENTERPRISE, (continued) (e) Service station canopy Fuel service station Use 25 square feet per canopy sign Six Not
    Yes Permanent signage under the canopy on pumps or supports shall not be counted towards the canopy, freestanding or wall-mounted signage limits. Except for windows, commercial special events signs shall not be permitted on the premises.
    (f) Freestanding wall-mounted; projecting Order board, ancillary to drive-through lanes for pickup of food and beverages Use 50 square feet per order board Two 6 feet Yes Location according to approved development plan
    (g) Freestanding Accessory to new or used vehicle dealership Use 50 square feet. Each sign may be increased to 75 square feet if combined on the same structure. Total sign area on any one structure not to exceed 300 square feet One for each franchise agreement held by the dealership 25 feet Yes A new motor vehicle dealership may display one sign not to exceed 50 square feet.
    (h) Wall-mounted OR-1, OR-2, O.T., B.M.B. Use 12% of area. One per of wall upon building which sign is erected, maximum 100 square feet, except maximum 150 square feet in OR-2 or O.T. One per building Not [applicable] Yes
    ENTERPRISE, (continued) (i) Wall-mounted Accessory or auxiliary commercial use within building in OR-1, OR-2 Use 5 square feet per use; maximum 25 square feet per building entrance One per accessory or auxiliary commercial use Not
    (j) Wall-mounted S-E; office or retail or service use in R.A.E. Zones Use 2 square feet One at each exterior entrance to a separate entity within the building Not
    (k) Freestanding R.C.C., OR-1, OR-2, O.T., S-E, B.M.M., B.M.B., B.M.Y.C. Use 25 square feet; 30 square feet in S-E; 60 square feet in O.T. for an office park One per frontage; 2 freestanding monument signs per vehicular entrance in O.T. for an office park 6 feet; 13 feet in S-E; 25 feet for waterfront sign in B.M.M., B.M.B., B.M.Y.C.; 9 feet in O.T. for an office park Yes. No in R.C.C. In S-E must be compatible with building. In R.C.C., integrate with landscaping and Director of Department of Planning approves location. In O.T., must be high-quality building material compatible with building
    (l) Wall-mounted; freestanding Farmer's roadside stand, farm market, commercial agriculture or farm produce stand Use 25 square feet total for all signs Not
    6 feet Yes Minimum 10 feet setback from right-of-way and 75 feet from highway intersection center lines
    (m) Wall-mounted; projecting Elderly housing facility in D.R., commercial use in D.R., R.C., R-O-A, R.O., R.C.C., B.M.Y.C. Use 8 square feet; 6 square feet in R-O-A, 1 square foot in D.R. One No, but Yes for tearoom or restaurant In R-O, may also have 15 square feet freestanding sign 6 feet high if on principal arterial adjoining and facing non-residentially zoned property; in R-O-A may also have 12 square feet freestanding monument sign, maximum height of 6 feet, including a 2-foot-high monument, maximum width of 4 feet, regardless of the adjacent zoning, if on a principal arterial
    ENTERPRISE, (continued) (n) Wall-mounted Strip-tease business, pawnshop Use 2 square feet per linear feet of frontage, not more than 50 square feet One Not
    Yes Zoning Commissioner's hearing required for use permit
    (o) Wall-mounted Waterfront business off-premises directional Use 6 square feet Not
    6 feet, but up to 10 feet if multiple signs are on a single sign post Yes Must obtain written permission of premises property owner. Number per business determined by the Director of PDM. Use permit application may include more than one sign.
    ENTERPRISE, (continued) (p) Wall mounted; canopy; projecting; roof Plan of development with a minimum of 500,000 square feet of retail and/or office gross floor area in B.L., B.M., B.R., and M.L.-I.M; or a minimum of 300,000 square feet of retail and/or office gross floor area in the C.T. District of Towson Use 12% of the face of the wall to which the sign is affixed Not
    Yes Structured parking must be provided; signage may be installed on or attached to any building wall or attached or detached structured parking facilities; signage installed on or attached to structured parking facilities may not advertise products or services associated with individual tenants; no changeable copy is permitted; in the C.T. District of Towson, roof signage may extend no more than 2½ feet above the roofline, and the Director of Planning shall confirm that the location for the signs will not adversely conflict with architectural elements of the building. Canopy signs may extend 2½ feet above the face of the canopy. A canopy sign may extend more than 2½ feet with a finding by the Director of Planning that all components of the sign are compatible with the architectural elements of the building.
    (q) (Reserved)
    ENTERPRISE, (continued) (q)(1) Wall-mounted Class A or Class B brewery in MH/ML Zone per Section 4E Use 10% of the total area of the wall to which the signs are affixed 4 per building; no more than 2 per facade Not
    (q)(2) Mural, wall-mounted Class A or Class B brewery in MH/ML Zone per Section 4E Use 25% of the total area of the wall to which the sign is affixed 2 Not
    Yes Mural may be painted or be cloth, canvas or similar flexible material and shall be mounted flush with wall. External illumination only.
    (q)(3) Roof Class A or Class B brewery in MH/ML Zone per Section 4E Use 10% of the total area of the wall above which the sign is located 1 Not
    Yes No changeable copy is permitted
    (r) Wall-mounted; canopy On multi-tenant building with a minimum of 50,000 square feet of gross floor area in M.R., M.L.R., M.L., M.H., O.T. Use Two times the length of the wall to which the signs are affixed Not
    Yes Multi-tenant building must be at least 2 stories in height; signage installed above the first story may not advertise products or services associated with individual tenants; no changeable copy is permitted. Canopy signs may extend 2½ feet above the face of the canopy. A canopy sign may extend more than 2½ feet with a finding by the Director of Planning that all components of the sign are compatible with the architectural elements of the building.
    6. IDENTIFICATION , meaning a sign displaying the name or purpose of a place or structure (a) Wall-mounted; freestanding; integral Accessory to a multifamily building or institutional structure or community building Use 25 square feet One for each frontage 6 feet Yes
    (b) Wall-mounted Accessory to a stadium located on the campus of a private college Use 300 square feet 1 Not
    Yes Sign shall be installed on a wall of the stadium; no changeable copy is permitted.
    7. JOINT IDENTIFICATION , meaning an accessory sign displaying the identity of a multi-occupant nonresidential development such as a shopping center, office building or office park (a) Wall-mounted canopy B.L., B.M., B.R., C.B., B.L.R. Yes 12% of area of wall upon which sign is erected One per frontage Not
    Yes Canopy signs may extend 4 feet above the face of the canopy but may not display names of tenants or occupants. A canopy sign may extend more than 4 feet with a finding by the Director of Planning that all components of the sign are compatible with the architectural elements of the building.
    (b) Freestanding B.L., B.M., B.R., B.L.R. Use The greater of (a) 1 square foot per 4 linear feet of frontage, maximum 150 square feet; or (b) 1 square foot per linear foot of building facade parallel to the lot line with frontage, maximum 150 square feet; or (c) 100 square feet One per frontage 25 feet Yes For shopping center, display the names of tenants or occupants if copy is at least 8 inches high, and no more than 5 lines are displayed.
    JOINT IDENTIFICATION (continued) (c) Freestanding C.B. Use 1 square foot for each 8 feet of linear building or lot frontage, whichever is greater One per frontage 12 feet Only during hours of operation Same as 450.4.7.b above
    (d) Freestanding Industrial or office park in OR-2, O.T., S-E, M.R., M.L.R., M.L., M.H. Use 100 square feet in OR-2 or O.T.; 75 square feet in manufacturing zones One per vehicular entrance; see Column IX 12 feet Yes In OR-2, one additional sign allowed per office park
    (e) Wall-mounted OR-1, OR-2, O.T., S-E, M.R., M.L.R., M.L., M.H. Use 12% of area of wall upon which sign is erected; maximum 150 square feet per frontage One per principal building Not
    (f) Freestanding In a Density Residential Zone in the Pikesville Commercial Revitalization District, accessory to an existing multi-tenant nonresidential building on a single lot of record Use 100 square feet One per frontage 20 feet Yes Multi-tenant building must be located in a Business Zone; sign must be ground-mounted; sign may not advertise products or services associated with individual tenants; no changeable copy is permitted.
    8. MEMORIAL , meaning a non-commercial sign displaying information of a commemorative, interpretative or historical nature Wall-mounted; freestanding; integral Accessory in all zones None 15 square Not
    10 feet No
    9. NAMEPLATE , meaning a sign displaying the identity of the owner or occupant of a premises or a home occupation, professional office or name or purpose of a place or structure Wall-mounted; projecting; integral Accessory to single-residence uses or to home occupation, professional office or similar accessory use in a residential or R.C. Zone None except use if illuminated 1 square foot One, plus one per accessory use Not
    10. NOTICE , meaning a non-commercial sign authorized, but not mandated by law or other regulation, for displaying cautionary information regarding use or ownership or property Wall-mounted; freestanding Accessory in all zones Use, if more than 2 square feet 8 square feet Not
    Not May be illuminated only if otherwise required by law or regulation
    11. OUTDOOR ADVERTISING , meaning a non-accessory sign which is commercially maintained principally for calling attention to places, businesses, products services or activities which are located or offered on another premises Wall-mounted; freestanding B.L., B.M., B.R., M.L., M.H. SE 300 square feet One 25 feet Yes See Section 450.7.C


    [Bill Nos. 97-1998; 117-2003; 139-2006; 3-2007; 53-2007; 60-2008; 106-2008; 71-2009; 72-2009; 59-2010; 65-2011; 74-2011; 47-2012; 25-2013; 71-2013; 21-2014; 44-2014; 16-2015; 25-2015; 36-2015; 49-2016; 34-2017 ]


    Structural Type
    Zone or Use
    12. CONSTRUCTION , meaning a temporary accessory sign announcing a building project or the sale of lots in a subdivision Wall-mounted; freestanding All zones Use 50 square feet in OR-1, OR-2, O.T., S-E, B.L., B.M., B.R., M.R., M.L.R., M.L., M.H., C.B., B.L.R.; 8 square feet in any other zone except 50 square feet is permitted on an unimproved lot Three 15 feet in OR-1, OR-2, O.T., S-E, B.L., B.M., B.R., M.R., M.L.R., M.L., M.H., C.B., B.L.R.; 8 feet in any other zone No See Section 450.7.D
    13. PERSONAL MESSAGE , meaning an accessory sign displaying a political, religious or other noncommercial message Wall-mounted; freestanding All zones None 50 square feet in OR-1, OR-2, O.T., S-E, B.L., B.M., B.R., M.R., M.L.R., C.B., B.L.R.; 8 square feet in any other zone, except 50 square feet is permitted on an unimproved lot Not
    15 feet in OR-1, OR-2, O.T., S-E, B.L., B.M., B.R., M.I.R., M.L., M.I., M.H., C.B., B.L.R.; 8 feet in any other zone No Definition does not include political campaign signs
    14. POLITICAL CAMPAIGN , meaning a temporary sign displaying information about an electoral issue or a candidate for public office Wall-mounted; freestanding; banner All zones, but may not be placed in a right-of-way and may not be placed on private property without the express permission of the owner None 50 square feet in OR-1, OR-2, B.M., B.R., M.R., M.L.R., M.L., M.H., C.B., B.L.R.; 8 square feet in any other zone, except 50 square feet is permitted on an unimproved lot Not
    15 feet in OR-1, OR-2, O.T., S-E, B.L., B.M., B.R., M.R., M.L.R., M.L., M.H., C.B., B.L.R.; 8 feet in any other zone No See Section 450.7.F for placement/removal requirements
    15. REAL ESTATE , meaning a temporary accessory sign displaying pertinent information regarding availability of a premises for purchase or rental Wall-mounted; freestanding All zones None 50 square feet in OR-1, OR-2, O.T., S-E, B.L., B.M., B.R., M.R., M.L.R., M.L., M.H., C.B., B.L.R.; 8 square feet in any other zone, except 50 square feet is permitted on an unimproved lot One per frontage 15 feet in OR-1, OR-2, O.T., S-E, B.L., B.M., B.R., M.R., M.L.R., M.L., M.H., C.B., B.L.R.; 8 feet in any other zone No See Section 450.7.E
    16. SPECIAL EVENT , meaning a temporary accessory sign in conjunction with an event sponsored by or on behalf of a noncommercial organization Wall-mounted; freestanding; marquee; banner All zones None 50 square feet in OR-1, OR-2, O.T., S-E, B.L., B.M., B.R., M.R., M.L.R., M.L., M.H., C.B., B.L.R.; 8 square feet in any other zone, except 50 square feet is permitted on an unimproved lot Not
    15 feet in OR-1, OR-2, O.T., S-E, B.L., B.M., B.R., M.R., M.L.R., M.L., M.H., C.B., B.L.R.; 8 feet in any other zone No See Section 450.7.E
    17. COMMERCIAL SPECIAL EVENT , meaning a temporary accessory sign for sales-event promotion or other events sponsored by a commercial Wall-mounted; freestanding; marquee; banner Accessory to commercial use in all zones Use 50 square feet in OR-1, OR-2, O.T., S-E, B.L., B.M., B.R., M.R., M.L.R., M.L., M.H., C.B., B.L.R.; 8 square feet in any other zone, except 50 square feet is permitted on an unimproved lot Two 15 feet in OR-1, OR-2, O.T., S-E, B.L., B.M., B.R., M.R., M.L.R., M.L., M.H., C.B., B.L.R.; 8 feet in any other zone No For time limits, see Section 450.7.E.2


[Bill No. 97-1998]